Tmux in Linux and Mac With Wezterm
After struggling to get tmux to run seamlessly between Mac (on ARM i.e. M1/M2) and linux due to the fact that brew installs packages to /opt/homebrew/bin/ and it isn't on the path before the shell loads, I have finally worked out how to get tmux to launch/attach to existing sessions when launching a new terminal both in linux and on MacOS. …
Testing in the Terminal
Find yourself running a pytest command repeatedly trying to work out what a problem is and getting sick of clicking back on the terminal window where the output is and pressing arrow up to re-run the test? Or even running tests in an IDE and sick of re-running the test time after time with your mouse? …
Gaming on Xbox with OpenWRT
If you are like me and decided to switch their router firmware to the much praised OpenWRT you may - like me - found the lag in FPS games pretty unbreable after switching the firmware. …