2023 - A Tech Year in Review
2023 gave me the ability to experience a lot of different tools, languages, and technologies, many did not make the cut long-term but I would like to put together a list of the core tooling that I use day to day with an example or two along the way. …
SQLAlchemy, OnUpdate & Datetime UTCNOW deprecation in 3.12
This is a quick post about migrating your utcnow() to now(tz=UTC) in SQLAlchemy for your onupdate function argument to your SQL Models. …
Connecting to Internal VPC Through Bastion in One Hop
If you've ever wanted to load up your local database IDE to view a database that sits inside an internal VPC. You may be a bit puzzled on how to do it considering most tools like DBeaver, DataGrip, TablePlus allow you to connect via SSH, but that SSH connection is always to a bastion instance. How does one connect directly? …
Big Uploads and Checksum Validation
Ever wanted to upload big files without storing them in memory as they are being written with FastAPI? …
Git Signing and Authentication with SSH
This is a quick guide to set up git with SSH ed25519 keys not only for authenticating with GitHub or GitLab but also for signing commits without the need to install GPG/PGP which has some serious criticisms / flaws that has led me to move into a world without it. The new world isn't as straightforward as the old so I thought I'd just throw together a quick guide to help you out. …