SQLAlchemy, OnUpdate & Datetime UTCNOW deprecation in 3.12
This is a quick post about migrating your utcnow() to now(tz=UTC) in SQLAlchemy for your onupdate function argument to your SQL Models. …
Big Uploads and Checksum Validation
Ever wanted to upload big files without storing them in memory as they are being written with FastAPI? …
Mocking the Post Method on an Async HTTPX Post Request
A quick snippet for mocking HTTP requests with an the async httpx context manager. async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: signup_response = await f"https://{AUTH0_DOMAIN}/api/v2/users", data=signup_request_body, headers=signup_request_headers, timeout=30, ) …
Testing in the Terminal
Find yourself running a pytest command repeatedly trying to work out what a problem is and getting sick of clicking back on the terminal window where the output is and pressing arrow up to re-run the test? Or even running tests in an IDE and sick of re-running the test time after time with your mouse? …